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2023 AGM, Conference & Reception

We invite you to join us for NSBA's Annual General Meeting, Conference and Celebration that is being held on Friday, June 23, 2023 at the Halifax Tower Hotel located on Lakelands Blvd in Bayers Lake, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. All activities are in our near the Lakelands Hall. 

Emerging Technologies for a Net-Zero Future is the theme for this year's conference. Navigating the way to a net-zero future is ever changing. New technologies are emerging all the time. NSBA is offering three seminars on these technologies for this year's conference to help see the way to a net-zero future. 

We have a full day planned for Friday, June 23. 


Level 1 Sponsors
Level 2 Sponsors
Level 3 Sponsors

Don Brenton's Fire Protection Ltd.

Annual General Meeting

The day will start with Registration and breakfast at 9:00 am. The Annual General Meeting is scheduled to begin at 10:00 am. 

As always, NSBA will be reporting on activities from the last year, a look ahead to the coming year and electing a new Board of Directors. 

If you would like to let your name stand for the Board please email Chantel at

Lunch will be served at 11:30. Conference delegates and exhibitors are welcome to join us for lunch before the conference. 


Half Day Conference

The half day Conference will begin at 12:25. 

12:30 - 1:30 Vessel Design Trends for Lower Emission / Emission-Free Vessels
Presenter: Rob Crutcher, Allswater Marine Consultants 
2:00 - 3:00 Using Graphite Coatings to Improve Vessel Sustainability 
Presenter: Ryan Ingham, GIT Sustainable Coatings
3:30 - 4:30 - Vessel Electrification Panel 
Presenters: Trevor Hennigar, Rimot; Dr. Lukas Swan (Dalhousie's Renewable Energy Storage Lab); Dr. Sue Molloy, Glas Ocean Electric Inc.
Panel Moderator: Jan Fullerton, NSBA Executive Director


Speaker Details

There is also an opportunity to exhibit during the conference. There will be a lot of time for networking during the event. Exhibit space includes one conference registration, a 6' skirted table and your company name in some conference promotional items. The cost to exhibit is $150 for Members and $250 for non-Members. Please email Chantel ( if you are interested in exhbiting. 

Exhibitors so far include: 

  • Canadian Maritime Engineering

  • Cummins 

  • DSS Protection

  • Marindustrial

  • Maritime Marine Supply

  • Nova Scotia Fisheries & Aquaculture Loan Board
  • Rimot

Networking Celebration

Networking Celebration
From 5:30 - 9:00 pm we will be celebrating the NSBA 25th Anniversary as well as honour founding Executive Director, Tim Edwards. 
There will be finger foods and a cash bar throughout the evening. 


Registration Fees

AGM: No cost to attend.
Conference + Evening Reception: NSBA Members - $50, Non-Members - $125. 
Evening Reception Only: $25. 
All prices include taxes. 


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